Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphoedema Centres – Our Philosophy
We are committed to providing the highest standards of care. A blending of different disciplines and expertise has created our team, focusing on delivering excellent outcomes and contributing to advancing the field via research, innovation and practice development.
Our Board
Executive Nurse Directors:
Professor David Gray and Professor Jenni MacDonald have a combined 45 years of developing and leading Wound, Lymphoedema and Tissue Viability Services across the UK. Both Jenni and David are members of the Wound Healing Practice Development Unit at Birmingham City University and continue to practice as Nurse Consultants.

Prof. David Gray

Prof. Jenni MacDonald
Medical Director:
Professor Steve Jeffrey is a Consultant Plastic Surgeon, serving with the British Army for 40 years including 4 tours of Afghanistan during his service, Steve is an active researcher in the field of wounds and a member of the Wound Healing Practice Development Unit at Birmingham City University.

Prof. Steve Jeffrey
Research Director:
Professor Michael Clark is a zoologist by training and has worked in tissue viability and wound healing since 1980. From 2012 to 2024 he was a senior member of the Welsh Wound Innovation Centre. Prof Clark has previously served as the Chief Executive of the Lindsay Leg Club Foundation, President of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and a Council member of the European Wound Management Association.

Prof. Michael Clark
Chief Operating Officer:
Sue D’Ancey spent 20 years as a Registered Nurse before moving into management, undertaking a Masters degree in management and has been a senior member of the administration of Wound Healing Centres in Sussex for over 20 years and also specialises in Information Governance.
Chief Financial and Strategy Officer:
Roger Widdowson is a Chartered Accountant by training and spent 33 years with KPMG, 20 years as a Partner, operating in the field of Healthcare & Life Sciences. While at KPMG, Roger sat on the Global Healthcare steering group and led teams in mergers and acquisitions in the UK and internationally in the healthcare & life sciences sector.
Nurse Directors – Tissue Viability Nurse Consultants:
Siobhan McCoulough, Teresa Rocha, Carla Leca all have significant experience leading tissue viability services across all clinical settings across England
Clinical Team:
All of our clinical staff are dual trained in both wound healing and lymphoedema, every person within the Pioneer network is committed to working together to improve wound healing and lymphoedema treatments. We are very fortunate to have leaders in the fields of Tissue Viability and Lymphoedema with over 20 Clinical Leads and Nurse Consultants leading and overseeing all clinical activities on a daily basis.
Clinical Administration Team:
The Clinical Administration Team are led by our General Manager and are vital to the effective flow of patients and in ensuring timely and safe care. Often as the first point of contact with the patient, either in communicating appointments or on welcoming patients to our centres, the Clinical Administrators recognise the impact of their work on the experience of patients and their families.