Safeguarding Statement

Pioneer is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults, children and young people, achieving and maintaining good compliance with national safeguarding standards and guidance and fulfilling its statutory responsibilities.

There are number of safeguarding arrangements in place including;

  • An Executive and Organisational lead for Safeguarding
  • Meeting statutory requirements regarding carrying out Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
  • Safeguarding training being provided to all staff working in the organisation
  • Organisational audit plans including safeguarding
  • Working in partnership with statutory services and agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people
  • In accordance with the Modern Day Slavery Act (2015) ensuring to the best of our knowledge slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or our supply chains


What can I do if I suspect abuse?

If you suspect abuse, take action. Don’t assume that someone else is doing something about the situation. If you are concerned about yourself or a person you know, it is important you share your concerns. No one should have to live with abuse or neglect. It is always wrong, whatever the circumstances.

Contact adult social care services in your local area to report concerns or seek advice. Find your local authority (adult social care)


Further support

  • National domestic violence helplineavailable 24 hours a day – Freephone: 0808 200 0247
  • Samaritans helplineavailable 24 hours a day116 123
  • Action on Elder Abuse helplineavailable 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday: 0808 808 8141
  • Mencap learning disability helplineavailable 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday: 0808 808 1111
  • National dementia helplineavailable 9am-8pm, Monday to Wednesday, 9am-5pm, Friday, 10am-4pm, Saturday and Sunday: 0300 222 1122
  • Shelter housing advice helplineavailable 8am-8pm, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday: Emergency number: 080 8302 5861 Non- emergency number: 0808 301 4551
  • East Sussex Domestic Abuse SupportChange, Grow, Live0300 323 9985