Staff support services

Staff support services

Staff support services available are detailed below – these can be blended and tailored to your organisations/staff groups specific needs.

The support services are provided via a mixed methodology approach of face to face and utilising Smart technology.


1:1 Clinical day debriefs

at planned times, the individual staff member will engage in a 1:1 with their assigned Pioneer coach, to reflect on the clinical cases seen that day/week. This helps the individual, in a confidential space to consider the treatment plans made, other options available to the case and identify areas where learning for the team/service as a whole could be useful.

1:1 Professional Development

At regular intervals, the individual staff member will engage in discussion with their assigned Pioneer coach to both develop and achieve Personal Development Plan (PDP) goals and objectives. The content of this will vary between individuals. A PDP may focus on:

Gaining competencies in advanced clinical skills such as sharp debridement or refining existing skills such as manual lymphatic drainage.

Building interpersonal and leadership skills relating to, project management, quality improvement, Research/audit development.

Managing clinical discussions and conflict, change management, building inter disciplinary and interdepartmental relationships.

Developing a career development pathway to higher levels of practice e.g., Nurse Consultant or consolidation of current role.

Writing for publication/conference presentation
Educational development guidance i.e., Masters degree pathway and other learning opportunities available such as- reciprocal shadowing in a Pioneer led service.


Team Clinical Caseload support

Pioneer Specialist will work with staff members to assess, diagnose and agree the care plan for each patient on the active caseload for wounds/Lymphoedema. A debrief/reflection with the Pioneer Specialist after the patient consultation builds the staff members confidence and provides real time in person support in clinical decision making and advanced skills acquisition. This process is repeated over several sessions which builds a rapport, the learning consolidated and the staff member is then supported to work independently.

Team Complex Case Reviews

There are regular team discussions on complex cases alongside several Pioneer clinicians from various backgrounds. Complex cases may have an unusual presentation, so healing is not following expected trajectory or the patient may have further complicating factors. This approach supports open discussion on treatment plan analysis and evaluation and provides an opportunity for shared learning and consolidation of knowledge.


Service evaluation

Following a scoping exercise and analysis of the current and future Tissue Viability/Lymphoedema service aspirations by a Pioneer Clinician – advice, action plans will be provided. Further/ ongoing support for the Chief Nursing and clinical teams for the fixed term duration.

Contact us today

today to discuss how Pioneer’s Staff Support Services can support you